Friday, January 13, 2012

Penguins on Parade...

 One thing that's really difficult in a state like Florida, it's hard to teach concepts like Winter.  If kids haven't really been in snow, then they don't really have a true schema for it.  Still, we do our best to teach some of the concepts to our tropically raised students.  I love to do this by talking about winter animals---and my favorite is the penguin.

We started this week by making a schema chart for penguins.  I love the schema that our thinkers already had!  (We've added to our learning this week and I'll take a picture of the whole chart next week sometime.)
 To create the chart, each student wrote about his or her schema for penguins.  I have tried multiple times to get these to line up the way I want them to, but Blogger has a mind of its own and is turning my photos again!  So, please turn your head (or your screen) for the next few pictures!

We also got creative and completed this penguin glyph in Math.  Here's the key for the penguins and then you'll see the display of penguins gracing our walls as you read this!

I had to laugh because our kids know that the Learning Garden is steeped in creativity.  Suddenly after finishing the regular directions I started seeing penguins get clothed and decorated in true artistic fashion.  Enjoy some of their amazing work!

Happy January!

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